Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
Learning a Modern Foreign Language develops pupils’ communication skills, promoting effective listening and speaking for purpose. It also enables pupils to gain a deeper intercultural understanding and a wider perspective of the world. Whilst making substantial progress in a foreign language (French) our key aim at Pear Tree is for pupils to develop an enjoyment of foreign language learning and to be enthused to continue that learning in High School.
Statement of intent
Our topic based scheme of work ensures that children have a varied and well mapped out MFL curriculum, progressively covering the National Curriculum requirements and with access to a wide variety of learning materials including authentic sources. Lessons are structured so that pupils are progressively moving from learning at simple word level, to phrase level and then onto sentence level, increasing in complexity as skills develop. Opportunities are given for prior language and skills acquisition to be frequently revisited, reinforced and developed. Our current focus is to raise the profile of MFL learning across the whole school curriculum. Displays, events and activities – for example KS1 ‘taster’ lessons, MFL singing / story times between Violet Class and their Red Class buddies and whole-school singing in the target language - are being developed, as well as equipping all teachers to feel confident in their language skills to deliver short bursts of the target language across the school week, consolidating pupil learning.
Lessons are delivered by a specialist MFL teacher and are planned alongside skills progression maps, sequenced to ensure that children are given the opportunity to practise existing skills and develop more advanced skills in preparation for their next stage of language learning. During lessons pupil progress is continually assessed across the key skills and subsequent lessons are structured to reinforce areas of weakness or develop strengths. Pupils are also given regular opportunities to assess their own learning and skills, for example using ‘I can’ statements for language retrieval and language learning skills, as well as peer assessment during speaking and listening tasks. Pupils are encouraged to show understanding through responding to the language, joining in with songs, stories, actions and games.
The development of working walls in each KS2 class, displays around the school, a dedicated French section in the library, special events and cross-curricular links to other subjects and topics, reinforces the value and skills of foreign language learning.
Pear Tree Primary has become a member of the Primary Languages Network, adding to the wide range of language materials and planning resources available. These all help to make language learning enjoyable and memorable, whilst creating a higher level of engagement and understanding.
Impact is measured through key questioning built into lessons, frequent revisits to prior learning and child-led and teacher assessment which informs next steps in learning. Formal assessment is carried out at the end of each topic and show children’s progress – working towards/meeting/exceeding – against the MFL National Curriculum Attainment Targets and Skills Progression.
KS1 National Curriculum Aims
Pupils should develop an enthusiastic and positive attitude to other languages and language learning. They will enjoy a degree of success in learning a new language, however small, and build their confidence to ‘have a go’, forming a sound basis for further language learning at key stage 2 and beyond.
KS2 National Curriculum Aims
Pupils should develop language skills and language learning skills. MFL learning should raise awareness of aspects of their own language and make comparisons with the foreign language, enriching their understanding of both. It will increase their cultural understanding by learning about different countries and their people, working with materials from those countries. Pupils will use their knowledge with growing confidence and competence to understand what they hear and read and to express themselves in speech as well as in writing. It should form a sound basis for further language learning at key stage 3 and beyond.