Orange Class 2024 - 2025

Miss Goodwin

Year 1 Class Teacher

Welcome to Orange Class! 
We hope that you have all had a wonderful Christmas break. The orange class team are very excited to be starting the new year with your children and continuing our learning journey together.
Our spring term topic is ‘New Beginnings’, where we will be exploring how to show gratitude and appreciation for things we enjoy. We will also be exploring ‘Nurturing Nurses’ through our history unit of work and looking at the changes this helped to make over time.
We will be using the test ‘The Sea Saw’ by Tom Percival to write full sentences with the correct sentence formation. We will also be exploring the text ‘Stanley's Stick’ by John Hegley.
You will receive a weekly update from Orange Team on a Friday via email. Please read this information carefully as we will share important information, changes and updates about our learning. You can find more information about what we are up to throughout the term in our long and medium term plan documents below.
Please refer to our Newtletter via email for regular whole school updates.
Phonics and Reading
This year we will continue to use the Little Wandle phonics programme to teach reading and spelling. Your child will bring home a book matched to their phonics phase so please encourage them to read this independently.
Alongside this, your child will bring home two 'love to read' sharing books that they will have chosen from our class library. Your child is not expected to read this independently - it is to share with an adult (or older sibling for example) and is to develop a love of books, listening skills and language. When sharing this book, you could: 
  •  Read to your child
  •  Look at the front cover
  •  Talk about the story
  •  Talk about the pictures
  •  Ask your child to turn the pages
  •  Talk about your favourite part of the story
Book changing day is every Friday. Please ensure that your child brings all of their books into school so that they can be changed and shared with Orange Class.
Your child will receive a star on their special bookmark if they have read 5 times in one week (including previous weekend reading). Please write in your child's diary to let us know that they have read.
Phonics Screening Check
The statutory phonics screening check will take place on the week commencing Monday 9th June 2025.
The phonics screening check contains 40 words divided into two sections of 20 words. Both sections contain a mixture of real words and pseudo-words. Pseudo-words are words that are phonically decodable but are not actual words with an associated meaning. They are included in the check specifically to assess whether your child can decode a word using their phonics skills.
Further information will be provided nearer to the time, however you can find further information in the parent guide attached at the bottom of this page.
Homework will be set weekly and will focus on current learning within phonics and maths. Tasks will be set on a Friday and should be completed by the following Wednesday.
PE this half term will be on a Friday. Children will need to come into school in their PE kits. Please name everything!
Outdoor Learning
We will send an email for planned outdoor learning days. On these days, please send your child to school in home clothes with wellies and waterproofs in a separate bag.
If your child is bringing a snack from home, please send them in a small, named container or with your child’s name written on the snack. These should be healthy snacks that do not contain any nuts. We are a nut free school. Alternatively, if your child wishes to order a snack from school, please send the correct amount of money in a names purse or envelope on the day. Thank you.
If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email: Alternatively, you can ring the school on 01270 906120 or leave a message in your child’s journal as these are checked daily.
We would like to thank you for your continued support and communication. We are very excited to continue our Year 1 journey that will celebrate the children's learning, confidence, independence and resilience!
Kind regards,

Miss Goodwin and Orange Team

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