Violet Class 2024 - 2025
Mr Greasby
Violet Class Teacher
Welcome to Violet Class!
We hope that you have all had a lovely half term. The team in Violet Class are looking forward to welcoming the children back into school. We have lots of exciting and interesting learning opportunities planned for the coming term. Here are a few key points for your information:
For the rest of the Autumn term our topic will be ‘World War Two’. This is a really interesting and thought-provoking subject and we will be learning about it through History and English, using a range of resources and texts.
Please see the timetable on this class website page for more details of how each day will be organised.
PE kit will need to be worn on Thursdays and Fridays this half term.
Homework will be set on Fridays to be returned the following Wednesday. This will usually include a Maths task and an English task. In Year 6, children are expected to read regularly and at length. A minimum of 3 x 30 minute sessions of independent reading is recommended, as well as reading aloud sometimes. Hopefully, your child will read for pleasure but if you feel that they are not enjoying reading, please contact us and we will try our best to help them find reading material that will motivate them.
We look forward to seeing you all soon and working together to support your child with their learning in Year 6.
Please email if you have any further questions
Mr M. Greasby & the Violet Class Team
Violet Class: Events items
Christmas Performance at St Mary's Church, by Mrs Sheppard
KS2 New Vic - The Three Musketeers, by Mrs Sheppard