Yellow Class 2023 - 2024

Mrs Swallow

Yellow Class Teacher


Dear All,


Welcome back! I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter break.


This term our topic is ‘Castles, Knights and Dragons’. We will be starting our learning by asking the question  ‘Dragons … fact or fiction?’ Highlights include using clay to make dragon eyes, building carriages and of course our residential to Burwardsley!


A few reminders:


Reading  - We will read every day with the children as part of a whole class reading session. Reading is such a vital part of your child’s learning so please read at home with the children; ten minutes a day really does make all the difference. Please write in your child’s reading diary so we know that they have read. They can then move along our reading stars – one star for every time they read. If the children read 5 times in a week they will get a sticker in a special bookmark.


Spellings – Spelling rules and patterns are taught on a daily basis in Yellow Class. There is no weekly spelling quiz.


Homework – there is no set homework, however on the weekly email I will encourage children to take part in an online maths game.


PE - PE will be on a Friday. Children will need to come to school in PE kits every Friday. On the 3rd May we begin our weekly swimming lessons. Children will need to come to school in PE kits and bring their swimming bags with a towel, goggles (if needed) and swimming costume/trunks in.


Forest School - For the next 6 weeks every Wednesday we will have Forest School with Mr. Hadfield. Children will need to be in home clothes and bring wellies, waterproof coats and trousers with them. Please name everything!


Snacks – Please send snack in a SMALL container or just with your child’s name on. Remember we are a Nut Free school.


If you have any queries/ questions then please see me on the gate, email me or ring school and I will do my best to help


Kind regards,


Debbie Swallow





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