‘Being our Best Selves’

Cheshire East SEND Local Offer

Cheshire East Information Advice and Support Service (CEIAS)

Pear Tree School - Local Offer - Your questions answered

SEND at Pear Tree

Children with Special Educational Needs have learning differences, difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. These children may need extra, or different help from that given to other children of the same age. There are four broad categories of SEN:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Physical and Sensory

Mrs Natalie Zatrakova is the SENCo at Pear Tree. Pear Tree School is a member of the Nantwich Education Partnership and Mrs Zatrakova regularly attends a local cluster group of SENCos to keep abreast of current developments and to gain valuable mutual support. As a school we also have close links with: Educational Psychologists, CEAT (Cheshire East Autism Team), Speech & Language, Emotionally Healthy Children and Young People Team, CAMHS Link Team, Sensory Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Specialist Teachers (Vision and Hearing) and Physiotherapy. This is accessed as a cluster and we have a referral system in place.




At Pear Tree Primary we intend that our children should be their best selves.Our aim is to provide all our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that equips them for today, tomorrow and beyond. For all our pupils with SEND we intend to raise the aspirations of and expectations by providing a focus on outcomes for pupils to ensure they achieve their potential, become confident individuals living fulfilling lives.

To ensure that all children receive a high-quality and ambitious education regardless of need or disability.

We believe that it is vital that our pupils are equipped with the tools needed to become independent, inquisitive learners both in and out of the classroom.

Through our high quality planning, teaching and provision we intend to:

  • Identify pupils with SEND early, to ensure that progress and opportunities are maximized.

  • Ensure that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is differentiated to enable children to understand the relevance and purpose of learning.

  • Provide an accessible, supportive learning environment which is tailored to the individual needs of all pupils.

  • Develop children’s independence and life skills

  • Regularly monitor the progress of children with SEND, using a child-centered approach and personal centred planning. 

  • Provide up to date, high quality and relevant training for all staff members supporting children with SEND.

  • Ensure that pupils with SEN have a voice and are given opportunities to express an opinion and that opinion will be taken into account in any matters affecting them

  • Work in partnership with parents and carers to get the best outcomes for pupils.

  • Use the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ method to identify and monitor pupil’s progress and needs

  • Work closely with external agencies and other professionals to hone and develop our provision for children with SEND.

  • Ensure secure transitions between settings e.g. EYFS providers or High School

  • Ensure staff and governors are accountable for the SEN Policy being implemented and maintained

  • Ensure all staff have a holistic understanding of the children's needs.
  • Work within the guidance provide in the SEND Code of Practice, 2014 and provide a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO)

At Pear Tree Primary School, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. As such, inclusion is a thread that runs through every area of the school enhanced by collaboration between senior leaders, teachers, support staff, external agencies, parents and most importantly, the child.At Pear Tree Primary School, pupils with SEND will all:

  • Be identified as early as possible to maximise opportunities and progress

  • Be included in all aspects of the school day. Accessing a Broad and Balanced Curriculum, which is differentiated to meet need.  

  • Be provided with quality first teaching, differentiated and scaffolded to their needs.

  • Have an accessible supportive learning environment.

  • Be supported to develop independence and life skills.

  • Be taught by teachers and support staff who have had up to date, high quality and relevant training.

  • Be taught by staff who have a holistic understanding of the children's needs. 
  • Be respected and their contributions valued and acknowledged.

  • Be support through the Graduated approach system

  • Be supported by termly meetings with teaching staff, the SENCO and parents/carers through the plan, do, review system

  • Be closely monitored for progression towards targets set out on their personalised Plan, Do, Review

  • Be supported with extra transition (either between classes or different educational settings e.g. EYFS or High School)

  • Be supported by school staff and monitored by the SENCO

  • Be taught and supported following the guidelines set up within the guidance of the code of Practise 2014.

At Pear Tree Primary School pupils with SEND may:

  • Have specific 1:1 or small group intervention to support their Phonics, Maths or Literacy learning. Such as pre learning, over learning, Precision Teaching, Direct Instruction, IDL, word wasp, beat Dyslexia. Inference support, The Power of One, Tailored Maths Interventions and Support.

  • Use technology to maximise their learning.
  • Take part in social and emotional support interventions such as ELSA, Lego Therapy, Friendship Terrace or Nurture.

  • Receive additional support with their speech and language development.

  • Be supported by external agencies such as: Educational Psychologist, CEAT (Cheshire East Autism Team), Speech & Language, Emotionally Healthy Children and Young People Team, CAMHS Link Team, Sensory Occupational Therapy,  Occupational Therapy, Specialist teachers (vision and hearing )  and Physiotherapy.

  • Focus on life skills and employability through targeted sessions. 
  • Be tracked individually using small measures of progress checks such as,  PIVATS or the APF (Autism Progression Framework)

  • Require further support. If so the school or parents may request a statutory assessment of special needs, which may result in an Education, Health and Care Plan being issued to the child.

As a result:

  • Children at Pear Tree Primary School feel happy, safe, respected and fully involved in learning.

  • Behaviour at Pear Tree Primary School will be exemplary.

  • Diversity will be celebrated.

  • Children with SEND will demonstrate high levels of engagement in activities, developing their speaking, listening and social skills.

  • Children with SEND will make good progress at Pear Tree from their starting points. Early interventions and support will be in place to enable pupils to be their ‘Best Selves’

  • Pupils will make secure transitions between classes and Educational providers e.g. EYFS or High School

  • On leaving Pear Tree Primary School, children with SEND have developed good independence and life skills to support them both educationally and socially, but also in preparation for adult hood.

  • Pupils with SEND will have high aspirations to achieve their full potential and become confident individuals.


Useful links and resources for parents and carers:


"Pear Tree School - Being our Best Selves..."

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