Blue Class 2024 - 2025
Mrs Somers
Welcome to Spring Term in Blue Class!
Welcome back to Spring Term in Blue class!
We hope you have had enjoyable and restful Christmas breaks and can't wait to hear about it.
We are looking forward to welcoming you all back and have been busy preparing for another jam-packed term with lots of learning opportunities, new story adventures and fun along the way.
This terms learning:
We leave the Egyptians behind, and say a huge hello to the Ancient Greeks. Another history rich topic, where we will build upon our well set foundation of historical skills from last term.
In our History lessons we will:
Uncover the magic of the Greek gods and goddesses,
Explore the origins of the Olympic Games,
Discover the many amazing mythological stories such as the Trojan War,
Meet some of Ancient Greeks significant figures including Alexander the Great.
Writing is especially exciting this half term as we use a beautiful story 'Frindleswylde' by Natalie & Lauren O'Hara to navigate our imaginations, sentence writing quality and story ideas further.
Science is particularly hands-on this half term also as we begin our topic on 'Sound'.
In Maths we will become multiplication and division experts using our improving timetable knowledge, before delving into my favourtite topic of Fractions!
'Who let the God's out' will be the focus or our daily reading and is a real page turner as well as plentiful opportunities for predicing, infering, summarising and retrieving.
For further details of our weekly learning across the half term in other subjects, please see the below timetable and Medium Term Plan for the half term.
Our team:
Mrs Barker and Mrs Beeston will continue to support us in class this term. Mrs Ryles continues to lead in class each Thursday afternoon.
This half term our PE day continues to be a Tuesday.
Swimming taking place on a Friday, starting Friday 16th January. Please ensure you have your swimming kit in school each Friday.
We begin our brass lessons too, which will take place each Tuesday morning for the full term. Instruments will be stored safely in school for each lesson, and after the term there will be an opportunity to continue this brass journey with private lessons, should you wish.
As ever, it goes without saying that your support is vital to help your child maximise the most of their learning opportunities in school. Please encourage them to complete their weekly reading and TTRS homework and use their diaries for sharing this. Any problems please let me know.
Any questions please always ask at drop off/pick up or of course email me:
Any daily communication can also be made via the children's reading diaries.
We can't wait to welcome you back!
Mrs Somers & Blue class team
Reading Vipers Year 3 & 4 Statutory Spellings Maths Support Booklet Year 4 LT curriculum plan.docx CLASS MEETING final.pptx Year-4-Recommended-Reads-Poster-2024.pdf FINAL Medium term plan Spring 2025.doc SPRING TIMETABLE General.docx
Blue Class: Events items
Blue Class Swimming, by Mrs Sheppard
Blue Class Swimming, by Mrs Sheppard
Blue Class Swimming, by Mrs Sheppard