Red Class Newsletter 29.06.19
Date: 29th Jun 2019 @ 7:14pm
Dear Parents,
We have had a super fun ‘Active’ week. Children have taken part in whole school dancing every morning, practised how to skip, played didi rugby and taken part in their first ever ‘Pear Tree Sports Day!’. Hope they enjoyed it as much as us!
This week, we will be practising our Wizard of Oz production. Please send your child’s black bottoms and river family t-shirt in on Monday in a named bag and name items of clothing too please.
Performances are – Wednesday 2pm and 6:30pm and Thursday at 6:30pm. We will send children home in their clothes on Wednesday so they can just come back to school in the evenings ready dressed. All families are entitled to 2 seats. No tickets being sent out.
We will be doing lots of reading this week and in maths carrying out work around numicon and counting in 1p and 2p coins to find totals. In writing we will be fine tuning our cursive writing, writing sentences about the performance and how we learnt to skip too. Plus lots of rehearsals, learning/practising our hoola hooping, skipping and elastic skills.
Hope you are all enjoying the sunny weekend
Mrs Newman and Red team