Red class newsletter 08.11.19
Date: 8th Nov 2019 @ 2:09pm
Dear Parents,
Well, it has been a short week but we have done lots of learning! We have practised some skills, agility and quickness work in P.E this week and will be doing the same next week. P.E will be on Wednesday again next week but then will be back to normal on a Tuesday. We found out about the history of Bonfire Night and Diwali, then we made firework pictures, we have written a list of safety rules, coloured in Rangoli patterns, made our own Diva’s out of clay and painted these and much more. In maths we have been looking at more than and fewer than and we have been practising all of our maths skills to see what we need to practise more of. The children have read most days, practised all of their phase 2 letter sounds and tricky words too.
Thank you to everybody who came to parents evening this week. It was lovely to see you all and get to tell you all about your child’s learning. We hope you found it useful too. Please keep the resources we gave you safe. We will begin teaching Phase 3 phonics in a couple of weeks so these will be crucial for you to use at home then.
Next Week – we will be looking at the book – ‘The 3 Little Pigs’ and carrying out a range of activities such as:
Forest school (Monday)- making stick houses for the pigs, creating ‘natural’ paints for the pigs to paint their houses with and we will be getting muddy by making the Wolf a mud pie.
Other activities will be:
Painting pigs and wolves, role-playing, small world farm, rhyming words with pig, chalk drawings, building houses out of junk, crates and blocks, STEM activities – can you build a house from lolly sticks? Simple threading, blow painting, writing parts of the story, counting pigs and knowing one more and less, ordinal numbers and more!
Thank you to those that have signed up to being a Mystery Reader already – we can’t wait to get started!
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Newman and Red Team